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More about Us------

Our Kiwanis Club History was started July 18, 1919 by sixteen Long Beach men, under the leadership of a local businessman, Clyde Doyle.  They met at the Lord & Taylor's Confectionery Parlor to discuss the possibility of forming a local chapter of the newly created Kiwanis organization.  In order to create a chapter from the Kiwanis National Organization, a minimum number of 50 individuals was needed.  There was such and outpouring of interest from the community, membership recruitment rendered a total of 95 members. 

The Kiwanis National Organization started in Detroit in 1915 with its name being derived from the Ochipea Indian phrase "Nun-Kee-Wan-Nis" which translated meant "We find pleasure in sharing our talents".  The movement spread rapidly to the West and reached California on July 23, 1919 with the formation of the Los Angeles Kiwanis Club. On September 16, 1919 the Kiwanis Club of Long Beach, the second in the State, became the 160th club to receive it's charter.

In the early years, members focused on business networking but in 1919, the Kiwanis organization changed its focus to Service.  In the 1960's world wide expansion was approved.  In 1987, women officially were allowed to become members.  Kiwanis International is now a world wide Service organization of over 600,000 members serving in over 16,000 clubs. Kiwanis Club of Long Beach is one of 10 local area clubs in Division 13 of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of Kiwanis International.

The Kiwanis Club of Long Beach has an Endowment Fund of over $500,000 which helps fund service activities and projects through the non-profit 501 (c) (3) Foundation.

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